GONHS Election Wish List
25 September 2019
Climate Change
- Immediate action towards carbon neutrality, in accordance with the Climate Emergency declaration.
- The aims of the Coalition for Climate Action to be acted upon, with fully-effective policies on transport, development, energy, pollution and waste.
- Assessment of biodiversity loss in the Gibraltar Nature Reserve, with management measures to halt this.
- Assessment of remaining green sites that lie outside the Gibraltar Nature Reserve, with quantification of the proportion of Gibraltar’s biodiversity held outside the Gibraltar Nature Reserve and effective measures to conserve these species.
- Preservation and enhancement of The Mount’s mature woodland habitat in a fully natural state, respecting all structures and features.
- An effective biodiversity action plan to reverse biodiversity loss at North Front Cemetery - the only remaining vestige of rich isthmus habitat - in a manner that is commensurate with its use as a cemetery by the community.
- Effective control and removal of feral cats from the Gibraltar Nature Reserve, as these pose a serious threat to native wildlife including Barbary Partridges.
The Upper Rock
- Improvement of signage and interpretation in the Gibraltar Nature Reserve.
- Information booklets on wildlife and heritage for visitors.
- Wardens to enforce wildlife laws, including the illegal feeding of Barbary Macaques.
The Sea
- Greater enforcement of conservation laws at sea.
- Protection of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna under the schedules of the Nature Protection Act.
- A clear target for the prompt completion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
- Increase minimum distance from the shore for ships at anchor.
Planning & the Urban Environment
- Tree Preservation Orders for all trees that are known to hold regular roosts of birds.
- Smart and sensitive lighting in all areas that are used as habitat by bats and nocturnal birds, and removal of unnecessary lighting where this is not necessary, further helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
- The adoption as Town Planning Policy of avoidance measures to avoid collision by birds against glass balconies and buildings.
- Greater emphasis on natural green roofs, even when solar panels are installed.
- Continued greening of urban zones including street planting, and strategies such as nest boxes to encourage urban wildlife.