GONHS and the Gibraltar Heritage Trust Welcome The Mount Announcement
The GONHS and Gibraltar Heritage Trust welcome the announcement by HMGoG regarding the future of The Mount and its grounds. For many years both NGOs have monitored and highlighted concern in respect to the gradual dilapidation and neglect that this important heritage and natural history site is undergoing. Over the years there have been a number of proposals made that have not addressed conservation concerns for the site. In 2015, in relation to a call for Expressions of Interest for the site, our respective NGOs came together to issue a statement laying out our expectations and concerns for the preservation of the Mount and its grounds amid speculation that the site would be sold off for private development. Those expectations remain.
We note the significance of the Government’s statement the “the site is of considerable heritage and environmental importance and after much consideration, it is clear that this cannot be married with the commercial development of the site, no matter how sensitively this is done”. It is clear that there will be opportunities for commercial aspects to arise, such as in the wedding and events market, but the investment in the restoration of the grounds and the site as required will be of a value that goes beyond what is measurable.
We believe that a project of this nature is suitable and appropriate for The Mount. The Discovery Centre and Exhibition Space is a further exciting prospect that will foster skills and interests for future generations. The announcement does not so far go into much detail on the proposals for the main building or natural assets but we look forward to working with the Government of the day on the details of this project, so as to conserve and revive the heritage and environmental values of this site that has played such a key role in Gibraltar and Britain's naval history.
Note to Editors: A copy of the 2015 statement can be found here