OS 35 Incident
02 September 2022
GONHS notes, with growing concern, the oil spill within BGTW from OS 35.
Oil Spills are harmful to all forms of marine life regardless of whether the habitats are coastal or offshore. Typically, the intertidal areas are hit hardest, causing negative long-term effects on interdependencies between species in food chains.
Seabirds are often the hardest hit by oil spills and the evidence shows that attempts at intervention are often followed by a low rate in survival. In Gibraltar, this potentially threatens species of conservation concern.
GONHS welcomes the news that the fuel recovery operation is well underway. This is a positive development to a serious environmental situation. We welcome that the RGP has already taken action and urge a thorough investigation. We hope that the operation will be successful before the weather turns back to Easterlies.
GONHS and the Department of the Environment are working to attempt to save any birds that are found oiled. Any such birds observed should be reported to 58009620.